(615) 443-4842

Did You Get This Email?

Email has been around since the beginning of the internet. It has become a staple for business. But it is also a medium for sending viruses, phishing, ransomware and other malware. If you only use personal email, this may not mean a whole lot to you. Your email...

Your Business Is Like A Duck On A Pond…

Do you recall ever seeing a duck on a pond? It looks like it is gliding effortlessly across the water. However, if you look beneath the water, the duck’s feet are going a mile-a-minute. Your business and home computers are the same. All your systems are running...

Virus Protection For Mobile Phones

At a couple of recent speaking engagements, several attendees pulled me aside and asked about cell phone protection since a lot of their work was being completed away from the office computer and on their phone. So the question is…should I or should I not have virus...

The Super Bowl, Computers and Your Business

Happy Groundhog Day, Valentines Day, President’s Day. The month of February is filled with various events. And don’t forget the upcoming Super Bowl. With the Super Bowl coming up, I thought why not write about how the NFL uses computers. There are many...
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