(615) 443-4842

If you’re local, you know of the recent devastation of the tornado this past week. Our prayers go out to clients, friends and others adversely affected. It’s great to see how locals and those from surrounding states have jumped in to help and comfort one another. And a very special thanks to the electric and cable storm crews and first responders. They have been working 24/7 to get power in the area back up and working.

Over the years, disasters of many types have affected the south. From tornadoes, storms, fires, flooding, flu, and now the coronavirus. The resiliency of those affected is reflected in their willingness to help others in similar situations. Sharing the lessons learned in each disaster helps those in current distress. It makes me proud of our caring community.

Every time a disaster occurs, businesses learn from it. Previous experience is a real asset when something like this happens. Businesses who have been through this type thing before generally know what to do to get back to normal. With their assistance, the red tape, regulations, planning and recovery period will be a lot shorter and smoother.

The past week has taught us how important it is to prepare in advance for the worst case scenario. And if (when) something does occur, get help from disaster experts.

To make sure you are prepared for an unforeseen circumstance, we suggest preparing a checklist that includes the following:

  • An emergency protocol
  • A designated recovery team
  • Identified critical business functions
  • A plan in place for protecting your data
  • A documented inventory of your equipment

Do you have backups for your phones and internet? Do you have backups for your data and computers at an off-site location?

Test your backup options to make sure they’ll work correctly when needed.

If you plan on having remote access to your business, test each remote access point before you need it.

We are here to assist in case help is needed in recovering or protecting your business from future disasters…either natural or man-made.

Send an email to jnay@jimnay.com or call us at 615-443-4842 to schedule your free no obligation consultation.

All the best,
Jim Nay

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