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Offering Computer Tips and Info. for Your Business

Too Expensive or A Great Value?

How many times have you said "That's too expensive!" when you get a bill? Most of the time saying that is simply a knee-jerk reaction. As a business owner, a better reaction would be to weigh the pros and cons of the products and services received before reacting in a...

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Planning For A Disaster

We recently experienced a water heater failure just outside my home office. We were gone for a few days visiting our grandkids. A fun trip, but then we returned to a flooded office. The damage repair included having to move everything out of the office. Luckily, none...

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Computer Maintenance Checklist

If your computer is slow, it may not be the age. it may just need some TLC (Tender Loving Care). The following maintenance checklist is for Windows 10 computers. The steps may also work with earlier versions of Windows. Once you go through the steps, you will have an...

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My Computer Is Soooooo Slow

Have you ever bought a computer and didn't know what you got yourself into? Well, believe it or not, it happened recently to yours truly. Initial Purchase... I had my specifications that I wanted.... a laptop with a 500 GB solid state drive. an Intel I7 processor, and...

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Preventing Computer Theft

PT are Protection and Threats techniques that can be used to protect your computer. Physical Security The most basic computer security is controlling who has access to it. The person that has access to it, controls it. Passwords, hidden files, and other security...

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Feeling Tired and Slowing Down?

Feeling old, slowing down, can't find things as easily? No, I'm not talking about YOU getting older. I'm referring to your Windows 7 computer. It's in it's twilight months. Current updates from Microsoft are primarily just security updates. By January 2020, those...

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Has Your Information Been Compromised?

I recently spoke to a group where every attendee had at least some of their emails and passwords that had been breached. If you want to check to see if you have been compromised, head over to https://haveibeenpawned.com/ published by Troy Hunt. Based on the largest...

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Are You Responding or Reacting?

Regardless of the situation or adversity, it's your response to it that decides the final outcome. Notice the word is "Response", not "Reaction". Response requires thought and preplanning so if something bad happens, you know the steps to remedy it quickly. Reaction...

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How To Backup Your Computer

In addition to getting ready for paying your annual (or quarterly) taxes, now is a great time to backup all the data on your computer. If you have never had to deal with a computer crash and losing all your data... consider yourself lucky. But if you have ever had...

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Should You Replace Your Hard Drive?

That 3 year laptop or desktop is getting long in the tooth. The updates are applied, the internet security is in place, but it's still sluggish. Is it time to upgrade to a whole new system? That could be costly. Especially if it's just used for email and web surfing....

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