Offering Computer Tips and Info. for Your BusinessAdapting To Change Quickly
May is the time for change. Spring has sprung. Kids are graduating from high school and college. Brides are preparing for June weddings. Some pre-COVID activities are coming back. But it has been tough for a lot of people this past year. For example, my son and his...
Comcast and Floods
It's one of those months where I got frustrated. It has been a challenging week. A few of my clients were affected by the Comcast outage and the floods. My home business system was also impacted, but I was prepared. (For more information on the flooding issue, look...
Spring Cleaning
It'll be spring soon and with that comes Spring Cleaning! If you haven't already set up regular times to complete electronics cleaning…now is a good time. Here are some quick tips to having a more responsive device whether you have a smart phone, a Chrome book, iPad,...
Keep Your Heart In Tiptop Shape
What does it take to keep a heart running for as long as possible? Eating well, exercising, reducing stress, controlling your cholesterol and blood pressure are all things that should be done on a regular basis. Nowadays, there is also the heart of the home and the...
There’s Always Hope
Happy New Year! With all that went on last year - Covid-19, passwords hacked, shortage of goods, political turmoil and the Christmas bombing - it may be hard to get going this year. Maybe I can provide a positive perspective from the tech side of things. Hardware is...
Is Everything Up To Date?
Are you being reactive or proactive this year? Most small businesses (and residential) proactively patch their servers, desktops and mobile devices by regular automatic updates throughout the year. Because many rely on automatic updates, some updates may be missed....
Buying A New Computer?
A question I get over and over again is, "What should I be looking for when buying a new computer?" Purchasing a new computer is something that does require some thought and I am always happy to help with that decision. Here is the answer I usually give... First, if...
Scary Times Ahead. Don’t Your Guard Down!
The year is almost over. If you're reading this, congratulations, you've survived Covid-19, recession, stock market crash, election year, 2 tornadoes, straight line winds, unrest in America, and isolation. But guess what? If you own a business, especially a healthcare...
What’s Up With Your Email?
I often hear "I want to change my email”. That's great! Let's do it. Now I just need to know what you mean. Do you want to change your address, provider, account, service, or program? What part of your email do you want to change The majority of people don't realize...
How To Stop The Crooks and Scammers
Remember last year at this time? Getting kids ready for school. Going on vacation, or coming home from one. Starting a new project at work. All normal. Now the new normal. Schools online, working from home. loss of jobs. No day care. Mask requirements wherever you go....